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As per information received from the Japan Karate Shoto- federation HQ, Tokyo, Japan, the JKS
International Seminar and meeting will be held at Tokyo, on 5th and 6th December 2015. On this
occasion JKS Shotojuku India plans to organize a trip for Karate training, Japan Cultural Study and
sight seen along with JKS International Seminar and meeting. This program is usually only for JKS
Shotojuku India members, and family members. But this time we plan to extend this facility to, those
who are interested to join with JKS Shotojuku membership. The detail of trip is as follows.
Date: 2015 December 2 to 18 (Start and Arrival dates at Kochi, Kerala)
Travel Plan:
1) International Seminar
2) Training at JKS HQ Dojo.
3) Training at Tsuga, Kitha Kogane or Kamagaya Shotojuku Dojo
4) Sight seen at Asakuza Temple
5) Kamakura Master Funakoshi Memorial
6) Tokyo Sky tree
7) Ido Tokyo Museum
8) Bullet Train
9) Hakone Yama Mt. Fuji view
10) Japanese Food and Cultural Experience
11) Hot spring
12) Etc…
Eligibility: JKS Shotojuku Japan Members.